UWA Hyperspectral Face Database (TIP 2015 and BMVC 2013):
This is the largest database of hyperspectral face images containing hyperspectral image cubes of 78 subjects imaged in multiple sessions. There are 33 spectral bands from the 400 – 720nm range.
Cite the following papers if you use the database:
M. Uzair, A. Mahmood and Ajmal Mian, “Hyperpsectral face recognition with spatio-spectral information fusion and PLS regression“, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol 24(3), 1127–1137, 2015.
M. Uzair, A. Mahmood, and Ajmal Mian, “Hyperspectral face recognition using 3D-DCT and Partial Least Squares” British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2013. Copyright ©